Sunday, December 31, 2006

It's A Wrap

Today's Scripture reading - Luke 2:41-52 - tells us an interesting story of something that happened when Jesus was 12 years old. Read the story from the translation, "The Message."

Have you ever asked God - "Why are you treating me this way?" Notice - that is almost the same question that Mary asked of young Jesus that day!

The theme for our last week of December is simple - "Wrap up the season."

Don't be held hostage by regrets, unfulfilled plans, and mistakes. This is a great time of year to throw out a few cherish the fresh start of a brand new year!

If you do so - maybe you will be able to look around the find Christ more clearly!

Read this piece from Greg Asimakoupoulos:

"Every December I buy myself a gift. I am generally more pleased with the gift I give myself than any I received beneath the tree. I'm talking about my personal daily organizer. The day I purchase my personal appointment calendar for the new year leaves me in the best of moods. When I've made my choice and actually tear off the cellophane packaging and clamp twelve new months into my black three-ring binder, I feel like I've been given a new lease on life. The message of grace incarnated in those unmarked pages allows me to take the grip of the Father's hand. What we failed to accomplish this past year is passed. We do not need to be held hostage by the regrets and mistakes of which we are ashamed!"

For a different perspective on this story from Luke, read this piece called "Love and Rebellion."

Read also this piece called "Stirrings of Divinity," written by former South African Methodist bishop Peter Storey.


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