Sunday, August 29, 2010

AUGUST 29 - A Fruitful Church: Moving Beyond "Acceptable"

Bishop Robert Schnase writes about the importance of seeking excellence, not mere acceptability, in being a fruitful church:

Vibrant, fruitful, growing congregations place a high premium on excellence in ministry. They do not settle for mediocrity, indifference, or a tolerable adequacy. They offer their best and highest. They continually learn and improve and evaluate and adapt.

They exceed expectations. They outdo themselves in their enthusiasm for quality. They offer exemplary hospitality, worship, learning in community, service and mission, and generosity.

God did not create the heavens and the earth and say, "It's good enough." Rather, Scripture describes God imbuing creation with superlatives!

Spiritual motivation for excellence does not derive from market strategies, trying to outdo competitors to win customer affections. Excellence is not about outranking others or seeking recognition.

Excellence means to "live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ" (Philippians 1:27). It means cultivating the gifts of the Spirit in us and in others to the fullest to the glory of God. We cannot settle for "mediocrity masquerading as faithfulness." Church leaders ask - "Are we offering our best and highest?"

What do you think???

If you want to read a bit more of Bishop Schnase's thoughts on excellence...go to this article: It's Worth It


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