Sunday, July 23, 2006

Parables From Luke: The Prodigal Son

Read again the story of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15:11-32 (this version from The Message may help you to hear the story in a new way).

See if you can locate Ernest Hemingway's short story, "The Capitol of the World." This appears to be the story in which Hemingway told the story of the estranged father and son. The story begins with the line "Madrid is full of boys named Paco."

Here is the short version as quoted in today's message:

There's a Spanish story of a father and son who had become estranged. The son ran away, and the father set off to find him. He searched for months to no avail. Finally, in a last desperate effort to find him, the father put an ad in a Madrid newspaper. The ad read: Dear Paco, meet me in front of this newspaper office at noon on Saturday. All is forgiven. I love you. Your Father. On Saturday 800 Pacos showed up, looking for forgiveness and love from their fathers.

Here is a long article by Frank Johnson - called "Wayward Sons and a Prodigal God." It is full of interesting insights on this parable.

After you have been in the culture of church for a while, it is so easy to forget about the "lost sons and daughters" of our world. Some of them have left Bellville - and perhaps we think to ourselves - "out of sight...out of mind." Others may be living right here among us, but may still be forgotten or overlooked.

Andy Stanley suggests that this story can become a paradigm for how we do church. He proclaims a value called "Invest and Invite." He challenges us: "Have you joined with the Father in the search? Or are we just sitting around the campfire, roasting marshmallows, talking about the search, maybe even studying books about the search - but never searching? Sometimes it's a lot more fun to hang around with other searchers than to go out there and actually search."

Along these lines...have you ever read the parable of the lighthouse? Read it and reflect upon how that connects with the experience of congregations which often begin with a strong spirit of touching the lives of hurting folks.

"INVEST AND INVITE" - Invest in at least one person, outside of your immediate family, who is lost. Make them a priority in your relationship. Pray for that person every day. Built a relationship with that person. It is not your job to go out and save them. Just go out and invest yourself in them.

Invite that person to your church. Do everything possible to remove obstacles that get in the way. Do everything possible to make sure that your congregation is an INVITING place to be, so that they are welcomed to the banquet table of the Lord!

Commenting on the parable of the prodigal son, John Wesley gave this advice. He suggested that none of us turn into "elder brothers," complaining at the way the Father treats others. Instead we should welcome the prodigal back into the family!

Likewise, those who are welcomed home should be careful to wander no more, and do their best to emulate the piety and discipline of those who have served the Father for many years.


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