Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MAY 12 Sabbatical Update - reading, etc.

Let me take some time to update you a bit on some of the reading I have done in the last few weeks. My plan is to read from a variety of sources - not just "preacher books!" I completed three books that were recommended by Dave Ramsey during FPU - and they wound up having a lot of good insights - both personally and professionally.

Two of the books go hand in hand together - THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, and Stanley's follow up book THE MILLIONAIRE MIND. You might wonder why Pastor Robert is reading books on how to become a millionaire. Actually, both books do a great job of highlighting the fact that the lifestyle of folks in our nation who have achieved great wealth is often the opposite of what we would expect.

While many of us associate "millionaires" with extravagance and conspicuous consumption, Stanley notes that these behaviors make it MUCH less likely that you will ever achieve wealth. One of the chapters in the first book is titled "Frugal Frugal Frugal," and it makes the point that these folks actually tend to live below their means, and tend not to live in some of the "high status" neighborhoods that actually encourage folks to live beyond their means.

Another Ramsey recommendation was the book GETTING TO YES: NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT WITHOUT GIVING IN, by Roger Fisher and William Ury.

The authors highlight some of the traps folks fall into when trying to negotiate a solution to any problem. The learnings can apply to relationships, to finances, and to almost any sticky situation we find ourselves in. At one point, they suggested that the two parties actually sit on the same side of the table in tackling a problem, as a visual reminder that the two persons are BOTH working toward a solution - not against each other.

One of the humorous stories they tell is about two people squabbling over an orange. Each of them wants the orange for their use, and there is only one orange. Finally they cut it in half as a way to negotiate a solution. Sounds good - until you find out that one of them uses the orange peel in a recipe, and discards the fruit, while the other eats the fruit, and discards the peel!

Sometimes there is an even better solution than the most obvious one!

I am also working on the book ONE HOUR WITH GOD, by John Maxwell. Maxwell is a great trainer and speaker, and I always enjoy hearing him. I picked up this notebook years ago, and never got around to beginning it. I thought it would be a good tool for this sabbatical - and beyond.

Each week's devotional and journaling is centered around a theme. The first week's theme is ATTITUDE. (What a great place to start!) Maxwell suggests that one of the differences between children and adults is that as adults, we have more choice about our attitude. He also gives us the important reminder that even Christians can have bad attitudes (with a biblical example being the elder brother in the story of the prodigal son).

The Bible reference for this section is Philippians 2:3-5. This Scripture reminds me that it really is possible to be doing the right thing, but for the wrong reason. Our approach - our attitude - really is important. This Scripture reference begins with this challenging call: "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit." What a tough assignment. Do NOTHING from selfish ambition or conceit. Needless to say, it has been a great learning experience to spend time with this Scripture.

I have to also share this humorous story that Maxwell shared in this chapter. He tells about a construction worker who opened his lunch box, and angrily screamed, "I can't believe it. Baloney again. I hate baloney sandwiches. This is the fourth time this week I've had baloney. I can't stand it."

His friend says, "Take it easy. Just tell your wife to fix you something else next time."

"Wife?" replied the man. "I make my own lunch!"

Maxwell says that the moral of this story is - MOST OF THE BALONEY IN OUR LIVES, WE HAVE PUT THERE OURSELVES!


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