Sunday, July 29, 2007

July 29 - HEROES: Samuel

Samuel was the last of the judges and the first of the prophets. Remember - a prophet is not a mere "predictor of the future," but one who is anointed and Spirit-empowered to bring forward God's message for a people and a time. He served during a difficult time, as described in the last verse of the book of Judges:

JUDGES 21:25. In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.

The character of Hannah is interesting. She was downcast as she had not been able to conceive. Read her story in the first part of the book First Samuel.

She devoted her son Samuel to the Lord, and in chapter two we find her song of praise to the Lord - "My heart rejoices in the Lord."

We also learn about Eli - though he served God in the shrine, his sons were wicked and corrupt. Eli oversaw the life and work of young Samuel. He, in contrast to Eli's sons, was exemplary:

1 SAMUEL 2:18. Samuel, though only a boy, was the Lord's helper.

1 SAMUEL 2:21. He grew up in the presence of the Lord.

Thinking back on 2:21 above, what would it mean for a child in 2007 to "grow up in the presence of the Lord." What would we have to do differently as parents to make that happen? What would we have to do differently as mentors (like Eli)? What would we have to do differently as the church?

Read the amazing story of God's call of Samuel in chapter 3.

Samuel was ultimately called to bring bad news to Eli.

The Bible tells us that Samuel continued to grow in godliness:

1 SAMUEL 3:19. Everything Samuel said was wise and helpful.

1 SAMUEL 3:20. All the people of Israel from one end of the land to the other knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the Lord.

But both Samuel and Eli faced disappointments. Neither was able to adequately prepare their sons to carry on what they had begun.

Even if you have discovered your calling, are you passing it along to someone else?

Eli helped Samuel to recognize the voice of God. Is there someone who helped you understand what God was saying to you? Is there someone for whom you have been (or could be) an Eli?

Another Methodist pastor, Dr. James L. Mayfield, focused on the character of Eli in this sermon, "Lessons From Eli About Disappointment."

Read this reflection on the experience of Hannah by William A. Dyrness - "Waiting In Hope."


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