Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Have We Lost Advent?

Somewhere along the way, we seem to have lost Advent. You may not agree with me, but I think we did. I am realistic enough to believe that it will be next to impossible to retrieve it. But I am sentimental enough to feel a little nostalgic as I read about Advent traditions from the past.

Once upon a time, Christmas was a day of rejoicing and good will. Advent was a four-week season of solemn preparation, repentance, and spiritual renewal.

Nowadays, it really doesn’t matter whether you observe December in a sacred or a secular way. Either way, we have turned December into a nonstop orgy of shopping and feasting.

There is much about the season that I enjoy quite a bit. But I still remain a bit nostalgic, and feel like perhaps we lost something quite valuable.

Could it be that the Lord Jesus has a tear in his eye as he watches over our near-manic reveling? I pray that the observance of Candlelight Communion next week will not be just one more event on your “must-do” list. I will be praying that it might be a time of true reflection and renewal for you and yours.

Someone you know needs the touch of the Master’s Hand desperately. Could you help make that happen? Could you give someone a word of encouragement? Could you invite someone to share in the beauty of Christmas Candlelight? Is there some small deed of love and mercy you could accomplish between now and the end of the year – maybe anonymously – that would cheer the heart of our Lord? Think about these things.